The Oklahoma PGA Section was formed in 1922 and was comprised of portions of six states. Over the years, some of those states left to form other PGA Sections. At the Annual Meeting in December of 1959 in Clearwater, Florida, formal approval was given for the Oklahoma Section, which includes the entire states of Oklahoma, Arkansas & part of Kansas, to change its name to the South Central Section.
The legal objects and purposes for which the South Central Section is formed, are set forth in the Articles of Incorporation filed on 05/09/1972 with the Secretary of the State of Oklahoma, and in fulfillment of such objects and purposes, the Code of Ethics for each and every member shall be strictly observed.
The South Central Section is one of 41 geographic Sections that make up the PGA of America. Approximately 450 PGA Members and Apprentices strive to promote the enjoyment and growth of the game of golf in the South Central region.
The South Central Section PGA encompasses the entire states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, and south of 38 degrees latitude potion of Kansas. The Section office is located in Broken Arrow, OK and acts as a resource for local and national golf information for the golf professional and amateur player alike. Each South Central Section PGA professional serves as an expert in the ever-changing business of golf and are the leading expert players and teachers, skilled business managers, community leaders, and superior merchandisers who have dedicated their careers to the local delivery of these services.
The South Central Section of the PGA is an association of men and women golf professionals whose mission is to work together to “grow the game of golf”. Their educational programs, training, expertise, and ethics always reflect the highest standards of professionalism, sportsmanship, fair play, and the best values of our community.
The mission of the PGA of America is to promote the enjoyment and involvement in the game of golf and to contribute to its growth by providing services to golf professionals and the golf industry. The PGA will accomplish this mission by enhancing the skills of its professionals and the opportunities for amateurs, employers, manufacturers, employees, and the general public.
In so doing, the PGA will elevate the standards of the professional golfer’s vocation, enhance the economic well-being of the individual member, stimulate interest in the game of golf, and promote the overall vitality of the game.