New for 2025 – Premium Membership opportunity – Only 100 Premium Membership will be offered
Premium Members will receive a gift courtesy of YETI
Premium Members will have early access to event registration from February 1 – 28
Regular Membership will open March 1
The South Central PGA Junior Tour is the oldest and largest level of the South Central PGA Junior Golf program, designed for members ages 9-18 with beginning level tournament experience and a wide range of playing ability.
Junior Tour events offer one-day individual stroke play competition and are conducted throughout the summer in Oklahoma, Southern Kansas, and Arkansas.
The Junior Tour provides the opportunity for skill development, tournament experience and an overall understanding and love for the game. Junior are also provided with the experience needed in order to progress to the next level of play, the South Central PGA Players Tour.
Members have the opportunity to play in both Junior Tour and Players Tour events.
Members are required to enter the correct date of birth when registering for an event. Players will compete in their respective age groups throughout the season based on their age as of August 4th, 2025.
We ask that you read all rules, regulations, and event information to gain a better understanding of the Junior Tour. Thank you for your cooperation and support and we look forward to seeing you on the course!
Since its founding in 1916, The PGA of America has maintained a twofold mission: to establish and elevate the standards of the profession and to grow interest and participation in the game of golf. By establishing and elevating the standards of the golf profession through world-class education, career services, marketing and research programs, The PGA enables its professionals to maximize their performance in their respective career paths and showcases them as experts in the game and in the multi-billion dollar golf industry. By creating and delivering world-class championships and innovative programs, The PGA of America elevates the public’s interest in the game, the desire to play more golf, and ensures accessibility to the game for everyone, everywhere. As The PGA nears its centennial, the PGA brand represents the very best in golf.
The South Central PGA is one of 41 sections that comprise The Professional Golfers’ Association of America, and it is the ninth largest geographical section. Its boundaries include the states of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Southern Kansas. The South Central PGA has a professional membership of more than 450.
In addition to managing the day-to-day affairs of the Section, the headquarters operates the South Central PGA Foundation, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. The Foundation provides The PGA golf professional an opportunity to impact the game in a most important and lasting fashion. Active involvement with the community and junior golf is, indeed, an opportunity to promote and teach this game of a lifetime to the youth of our communities.
The PGA has the responsibility to impact the traditions and history of golf to the future caretakers of the game. The PGA of America, the South Central PGA and its member golf professionals are recognized as the leaders in the world of golf today.
Brian Davis, PGA, PGA Executive Director
Joyce Cherblanc, Director of Section Operations
Riley Grunewald, Director of Junior Golf
The South Central PGA (SCPGA) Junior Program has a membership of over 2,000 junior golfers ages 9-18 and conducts over 50 tournaments annually. Tournaments offered vary in their degree of competitiveness as we provide programs for junior golfers of all skill levels. We ask that you read the following Rules and Regulations to gain a better understanding of our Junior Program. Thank you for your cooperation and support and we look forward to seeing you on the course.
The SCPGA Junior Tour is open to junior golfers ages 9-18 who are not currently attending college. Players who have graduated from high school may only play in SCPGA Junior Tour sanctioned tournaments until August 15 of the season directly following high school graduation. A player’s age division is based on their age as of August 5th, 2024. The membership fee is $80.
The SCPGA Players Tour is reserved for middle school & high school players along with college students who are looking to compete at a highly competitive level. Participants that shoot over 100 the first day will be cut and not play day 2.
Members will have the right to participate in any level, in any area for which their age allows. However, the SCPGA reserves the right to restrict members to certain Levels of Play based on their performance and ability. It is suggested that members use the following guidelines when selecting a Level of Play:
Players Tour | Number of Holes | Approximate Yardage |
High School Boys | 36 | 6,600 |
High School Girls | 36 | 5,700 |
Middle School Boys | 36 | 5,700 |
Middle School Girls | 36 | 5,000 |
Junior Tour | ||
Boys 16-18 | 18 | 6,000-6,500 |
Boys 14-15 | 18 | 5,500-6,000 |
Boys 12-13 | 18 | 5,000-5,500 |
Boys 9-11 | 9 | 1,600-2,000 |
Girls 16-18 | 18 | 5,000-5,500 |
Girls 14-15 | 18 | 4,500-5,000 |
Girls 12-13 | 9 | 2,100-2,400 |
Girls 9-11 | 9 | 1,600-2,000 |
Junior Tour: 9 holes-$35 / 18 holes-$50
Players Tour: 36 holes-$150
The South Central PGA Players Tour takes great pride in the quality of its players, host facilities, and sponsors, and requires all members to adhere to a set of guidelines known as the Code of Conduct. The purpose is to help all participants grow and mature by understanding and accepting the consequences of their actions, both on and off the golf course.
Any of the following actions by a South Central PGA junior member whether during the duration of a SCPGA event or not constitutes a violation of the SCPGA Code of Conduct:
ALL members and family are responsible for adhering to specific dress requirements at event host facilities in addition to listed policy above.
The South Central PGA staff may assess any or all of the following penalties based on the severity of the Code of Conduct violation:
In addition, any player that is disqualified for gross misconduct or unsportsmanlike behavior is automatically suspended from the next tournament he/she is registered for. In the case where the player in question is not registered for another event, that player is suspended from the next event.
Entries for all tournaments conducted by the SCPGA Junior Tour & Players Tour will be accepted on-line when tournament registration for that event or tournament series opens. There is no limit to the number of events a member can enter.
Please note that walk-up players will not be accepted at any SCPGA junior tournament.
Deadline for Junior Tour event registration will be 11:59 p.m. three days prior to the event and no late entries after the deadline will be accepted.
Deadline for Players Tour event registration will be 11:59 p.m. the Thursday prior to the event. All Players Tour event registrations will be placed on a “pending” status until reviewed and verified by the South Central PGA. Once approved, players will receive an e-mail confirmation stating their acceptance into an event.
Refunds will NOT be granted for cancellations or withdraws after the event registration deadline. NOTE: All refunds are subject to a $10 processing fee.
All cancellations must be submitted on-line through your Blue Golf account. refunds will be granted for all cancellations prior to the event registration deadline.
All membership cancellations must be submitted through the SCPGA office by speaking to an SCPGA staff member. Membership cancellations are ineligible for refunds once the player competes in one (1) SCPGA junior event. NOTE: All membership cancellation refunds are subject to a $10 processing fee.
A player may transfer his/her registration fee to a different event should they need to withdraw if they meet ALL of the following requirements:
All participants must be checked-in and at their designated starting hole at their assigned starting time. NOTE: Prompt attendance is required of all players and time of starting penalties shall be consistent with Rule 6-3.
Junior Tour Cancellation: The host facility reserves the right to cancel a tournament in the event of inclement weather or other incidents. The host facility will monitor weather conditions prior to and during the tournament. The South Central PGA Junior Tour recommends calling the host facility the morning of the event or checking the Blue Golf tournament information page. Please do not call the South Central PGA office for this information. In the event of inclement weather, the host facility will exhaust every effort to complete the event in its entirety but will make the decision based on inclement weather, length of delay and time to complete the tournament, and course conditions. If a tournament is cancelled prior to play, members scheduled to participate in the event will be refunded the full entry fee to their account or have the option to transfer into another event of the same level. If the tournament is canceled during play, the South Central PGA Junior Tour reserves the right to retain the full entry fee
The host facility shall be responsible for the safety of all individuals associated with the tournament relative to lightning danger and it shall be the duty of the host facility to monitor weather conditions during the tournament to determine if play should be suspended due to the danger of lightning at, around or near the golf course. The host facility superintendent shall have sole and absolute discretion to declare the course unplayable or unsafe, due to weather conditions or otherwise, except for lightning which shall be the responsibility of the host professional.
Players Tour Cancellation: The South Central PGA Players Tour reserves the right to cancel a tournament in the event of inclement weather or other incidents. The South Central PGA Players Tour will monitor weather conditions during the tournament, and will notify players of any delays or cancelations by e-mail and on the tournament information page. The South Central PGA Players Tour also recommends calling the host facility the morning of the event Please do not call the South Central PGA office or tournament officials for this information. In the event of inclement weather, the South Central PGA Players Tour will exhaust every effort to complete the event in its entirety. If weather forces a tournament to be postponed, the South Central PGA Players Tour will first work to reschedule the tournament to a future date. If that is not an option, the tournament will be canceled.
The South Central PGA shall be responsible for the safety of all individuals associated with the tournament relative to lightning danger and it shall be the duty of the South Central PGA to monitor weather conditions during the tournament to determine if play should be suspended due to the danger of lightning at, around or near the host facility. The host facility superintendent shall have sole and absolute discretion to declare the course unplayable or unsafe, due to weather conditions or otherwise, except for lightning which shall be the responsibility of the South Central PGA.
DISCONTINUANCE OF PLAY: Optional condition as prescribed an Appendix I is in effect. Reference Rule 6-8, 6-8b and its note.
a) Suspension for a dangerous situation: One long prolonged siren or air horn note.
b) All other types of suspensions (i.e. for darkness): Three consecutive air horn notes.
c) Resumption of play: Two air horn notes.
d) When play has been suspended for a dangerous situation, all practice facilities are deemed to be closed until declared open by the Committee.
In all Junior Tour tournaments, ties for first and second place in all age divisions will be broken by a score card playoff. The SCPGA official policy for breaking ties via a score card playoff is the same as defined by the USGA in Appendix I. The method of matching score cards to determine the winner will begin by using the last nine (9) holes of the tournament. If the players have the same score for the last nine (9), we will use the last six (6) holes, and finally the last three (3) holes. If after proceeding with this method the winner has yet to be determined, we will continue on by comparing score cards from the 18th hole and continuing backwards by comparing the 17th hole, 16th hole, etc. until a winner has been determined.
At all Players Tour events, all ties for first place overall will be broken using a sudden-death play-off. If a player is not present to compete in a sudden death playoff, he/she will be deemed to have forfeited the playoff. Should weather or darkness interfere, a score card playoff will be utilized beginning with the round two score card.
It is the responsibility of the participant to notify the SCPGA when canceling out of a tournament. When canceling on the day of the tournament, members must notify the SCPGA by canceling online. Any member who does not will be considered a “No Show.”
All participants must return their score card to the scoring area immediately following play. Any participant who fails to return their score card after the round will be considered a “No Card”.
Participants withdrawing during play of an event MUST return their score card to the scoring area and notify an SCPGA official before leaving the facility; otherwise, they will be considered as a “No Card” participant.
Starting times and groupings for all SCPGA junior events will be done on a blind draw, based on age division and graduation year. For Players Tour events consisting of two (2) rounds, players will be re-paired based on their scores from round one. For all events, requests for starting times or specific groupings will not be accommodated. Players shall start at the time and the order arranged unless otherwise informed by the SCPGA staff. Prompt attendance is required of all players at their starting point of each round. Time of starting penalties shall be consistent with Rule 6-3. Each contestant is responsible for obtaining his/her starting time.
NOTE: The structure and method used to arrange starting times and groupings may be altered at the discretion of the SCPGA staff.
In the event of a suspension, the player may submit a written account of the Code of Conduct violation to the SCPGA Junior Golf Grievance Committee within seven (7) days of the suspension / disqualification. The Grievance Committee will review all submitted materials, including a tournament staff account of the violation. The SCSPGA Executive Director and Junior Golf Committee Chairman will review grievances. All grievances must go through the appropriate channels to be considered.
By entering an SCPGA Junior Tour or Players Tour tournament, you (and any spectators accompanying you) assume all risk and danger incidental to the game of golf and release SCPGA sanctioned junior tournaments and competitions and their host sites, sponsors, host organizations, SCPGA, participating players, and all agents thereof from any and all liabilities resulting from such cases.
You (and any spectators accompanying you) grant permission to the SCPGA to utilize your image or likeness incidental to any live or recorded television or other transmission or reproduction in whole or in part of any SCPGA event you attend. You agree not to transmit or facilitate transmission of any account, description, picture, or reproduction of any SCPGA event, including, without limitation, scoring related data, without the specific advance written permission of the SCPGA.
The SCPGA will, at its sole discretion and upon receipt of applicable medical documentation, make reasonable accommodations for junior golfers with disabilities or chronic health conditions. Subject to applicable rules established by the host site, reasonable accommodations may include the use of a pull cart or motorized golf cart for the transportation of golf clubs and competitors during events. All related inquires and communications shall be directed to the Executive Director.
NOTE: Letters from doctors or visible injuries will not warrant special accommodations.
It is the responsibility of the participant to know the host facility rules and regulations. The SCPGA abides by all host facility rules and regulations and requires that all participants and spectators do the same.
The SCPGA reserves the right to modify, change, or update the Rules and Regulations at any time.
The Rules of the United States Golf Association shall govern play, as modified by the South Central PGA Junior Golf Committee. In the Rules of Golf, the gender used in relation to any person is understood to include both genders. The following are the Rules of Play (unless otherwise stated).
The Rules of the United States Golf Association govern play, as modified by the South Central PGA Players Tour. The following Conditions of Competition and Local Rules apply and may be found in the current Appendix 1 of the USGA Rules of Golf as referenced on page numbers below. See applicable competition’s “Notice to Competitors (Players)” for additional Definitions, Local Rules, and Conditions. In the Rules of Golf, the gender used in relation to any person is understood to include both genders.
Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule or Condition is:
Match Play – Loss of Hole; Stroke Play – Two Strokes.
GOLF BALLS: It is a condition of the competition that players must use a brand of balls on the current USGA List of Conforming Golf Balls.
DRIVER: It is a condition of the competition that any driver the player carries must have a clubhead identified by model and loft is named on the current USGA List of Conforming Driver Heads.
GROOVE AND PUNCH MARK SPECIFICATIONS: The player’s club must conform to the groove and punch mark specifications in the Rules of Golf that are effective from January 1, 2010.
DISCONTINUANCE OF PLAY: Optional condition as prescribed an Appendix I is in effect. Reference Rule 6-8, 6-8b and its note.
PRACTICE BETWEEN HOLES: Practice between holes is NOT authorized in stroke play competitions. Reference Rule 7-2 and note 2.
CADDIES/GOLF CARS: Except when permitted by the SCPGA players are prohibited from using caddies or golf cars without prior medical approval. Players are responsible for carrying their own bag during the competitive round. In stroke play, penalty for breach of this rule is two strokes per hole, maximum of four strokes per round. In stroke play, use of any unauthorized caddie or golf car shall be discontinued immediately upon discovering that a breach has occurred. Otherwise, the player shall be disqualified.
TRANSPORTATION: Optional Condition as prescribed in Appendix I is in effect. Exception: a player may ride in designated shuttles, and may accept transportation from a Rules Official.
SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Shoes with metal or traditionally-designed spikes (regardless of composition) are PROHIBITED during the stipulated round. Penalty for breach of this rule is disqualification.
DISTANCE MEASURING DEVICES: Distance Measuring Devices, that measure or gauge distance only, are permitted in accordance with Decision 14-3/0.5.
EMBEDDED BALL THROUGH THE GREEN: Local Rule as prescribed in Appendix I is in effect.
a)Through the green, a ball that is embedded in its own pitch-mark in the ground, except sand, may be lifted, without penalty, cleaned and dropped as near as possible to where it lay but not nearer the hole.
WOOD CHIPS AND MULCH: Wood chips and mulch are loose impediments (unless otherwise provided in the Notice to Competitors).
STONES IN BUNKERS: Stones in bunkers are deemed to be movable obstructions.
UNDUE DELAY: Reference Rule 6-7 and separate SCPGA Pace of Play Policy.
WATER AND LATERAL WATER HAZARD STAKES AND LINES: When a water hazard or a lateral water hazard is defined on only one side, it is deemed to extend to infinity. When a water hazard or lateral water hazard is bounded by out of bounds, the hazard margin extends to and coincides with the out of bounds line.
ROADS AND PATHS: Curbing and artificial materials bordering cart paths are considered part of the obstruction. White-lined areas tying into roads (not defining out of bounds) and paths are part of the obstruction.
TEMPORARY IMMOVABLE OBSTRUCTIONS: All scoring areas, which include the tent, the stake and rope surrounding the tent and any objects such as the table and chairs located within the stake and rope, are deemed to be temporary immovable obstructions.
GROUND UNDER REPAIR: Ground under repair is defined by white lines. Other areas of ground under repair, even when not marked, include:
SOD SEAMS: Except in a hazard, sod seams (not the sod itself) are deemed to be ground under repair, and relief is available under Rule 25-1 if the ball lies in or touches a sod seam or the sod seam interferes with the area of intended swing. All seams within the sodded area are considered the same seam.
INTEGRAL PART OF THE COURSE: Integral parts of the course are areas on the course from which relief is not granted. Integral parts of the golf course include (unless otherwise provided in the Notice to Competitors):
The SCPGA Junior Tour and Players Tour will allow the use of devices that measure only distance in all events. A player may obtain distance information by using a device that measures distance only.
If, during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his/her play (e.g., gradient, wind-speed, temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3, for which penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether any such additional function is actually used. A multifunctional device such as a PDA or Smartphone may be used as a distance measuring device as long as the application measures distance only.
NOTE: Applications that also assist the player in his play e.g. videoing swing for analysis or gauging green contours are not permitted.
All devices used must be of a handheld variety, carried by the player. Use of GPS yardage systems installed on golf carts will not be permitted at any time. Spectators must not relay any yardage information displayed by a GPS system in a golf cart.
A player who breaches this policy will be deemed to have violated the SCPGA Junior Code of Conduct and will be subjected to the following penalties:
FIRST OFFENSE: One (1) stroke penalty
SECOND OFFENSE: Two (2) stroke penalty
THIRD OFFENSE: Disqualification.
Additionally, players may share their distance measuring device and information pertaining to yardage with fellow competitors at their discretion provided such action does not cause an undue delay.
Should there be a question on the legality of a certain distance measuring device, it is recommended that all players contact the SCPGA office and speak with a member of the SCPGA staff.
The established Pace of Play for all South Central PGA Junior Tour tournaments is 15 minutes per hole (4 hours and 30 minutes) unless otherwise noted.
The first group to start will be considered out of position if, at any time during the round, they exceed the time allotted to play, as detailed on the applicable Notice to Competitors.
Any subsequent groups will be considered out of position if, at any time during the round, they (a) exceed the allotted time to play and (b) reach a par-3 hole that is open and free of play or fail to clear the tee of a par-4 or par-5 hole before that hole is open and free to play. Both (a) and (b) must apply for a group to be out of position.
The Rules Committee reserves the right to time a group when the Rules Committee deems it necessary.
Further, if a player is determined by the Rules Committee to be unreasonably slow he may be timed individually at the Rules Committee’s discretion, regardless of whether his group is out of position.
A player is permitted 40 seconds to play a stroke, and an additional 20 seconds (for a total of 60 seconds) will be allowed for: (a) the first player to play a stroke on a par-3 hole; (b) the first player to play a second stroke on a par-4 or par-5 hole; (c) the first player to play a third stroke on a par-5 hole; (d) the first player to play around the putting green; and (e) the first player to play on the putting green.
Should a ruling or other legitimate delay cause a group to lose its position, the group is obligated to regain its position within a reasonable time.
The South Central PGA Junior Tour reserves the right to penalize a group or individual player if multiple violations of the Pace of Play policy occur.
SECOND OFFENSE: One (1) stroke penalty
THIRD OFFENSE: Two (2) stroke penalty
FOURTH OFFENSE: Disqualification.
There are several tactics that can help improve Pace of Play. The South Central PGA Junior Golf Committee will recommend and, in some cases, enforce the following tactics during tournaments for groupings who fail to keep up with the established Pace of Play. It is recommended that all players utilize the tactics listed below throughout the entire round.
The established Pace of Play for all South Central PGA Players Tour tournaments is 15 minutes per hole (4 hours and 30 minutes) unless otherwise noted.
The first group to start will be considered out of position if, at any time during the round, they exceed the time allotted to play, as detailed on the applicable Notice to Competitors.
Any subsequent groups will be considered out of position if, at any time during the round, they (a) exceed the allotted time to play and (b) reach a par-3 hole that is open and free of play or fail to clear the tee of a par-4 or par-5 hole before that hole is open and free to play. Both (a) and (b) must apply for a group to be out of position.
The Rules Committee reserves the right to time a group when the Rules Committee deems it necessary.
Further, if a player is determined by the Rules Committee to be unreasonably slow he may be timed individually at the Rules Committee’s discretion, regardless of whether his group is out of position.
A player is permitted 40 seconds to play a stroke, and an additional 20 seconds (for a total of 60 seconds) will be allowed for: (a) the first player to play a stroke on a par-3 hole; (b) the first player to play a second stroke on a par-4 or par-5 hole; (c) the first player to play a third stroke on a par-5 hole; (d) the first player to play around the putting green; and (e) the first player to play on the putting green.
Should a ruling or other legitimate delay cause a group to lose its position, the group is obligated to regain its position within a reasonable time.
The South Central PGA Players Tour reserves the right to penalize a group or individual player if multiple violations of the Pace of Play policy occur.
SECOND OFFENSE: One (1) stroke penalty
THIRD OFFENSE: Two (2) stroke penalty
FOURTH OFFENSE: Disqualification.
There are several tactics that can help improve Pace of Play. The South Central PGA Junior Golf Committee will recommend and, in some cases, enforce the following tactics during tournaments for groupings who fail to keep up with the established Pace of Play. It is recommended that all players utilize the tactics listed below throughout the entire round.
Code of Conduct
Before, during, or after the conduct of an SCPGA Junior event, no parent, guardian, or spectator shall:
1) Verbally or physically abuse, threaten or disrespect a fellow spectator, parent/guardian, youth participant, volunteer, employee, guest, caddie or other persons conducting, participating in, hosting or attending an SCPGA Junior event.
(2) use obscene language.
(3) cause physical damage to, or loss of, property or equipment of any of the parties set forth above or of the host facility.
(4) use or be under the influence of alcohol, or an unauthorized controlled substance during a SCPGA Junior event.
Any violation of one or more items in the code of conduct is grounds for immediate removal of the parent, guardian, or spectator and/or the player from the activity and host facility and may result in the loss of the privilege to participate in SCPGA Junior events for the parent, guardian, or spectator and/or player indefinitely.
NOTE: Players are responsible for the actions of their relatives and spectators regarding this rule.
Spectators MAY:
Please seek a SCPGA staff member or host facility staff member for a ruling. If a SCPGA staff member or volunteer is not present, spectators may remind players they can proceed under Rule 20.1c which allows them to play a second ball when in doubt as to procedure.
Players are NOT ALLOWED in a golf cart at any time during a stipulated round unless authorized by a SCPGA staff member or host facility staff member.
Spectators attend SCPGA Junior events at their own risk. Exercise caution at all times. When inclement weather moves into the area, the SCPGA and/or host facility will suspend play by sounding airhorns (ONE BLAST for a dangerous situation). Seek shelter immediately. Spectators may transport players to safety at this point in a golf cart.
Players are eligible to earn points at each junior event in which they compete. A player’s standing on the points list will be determined by the total points accumulated from the tournaments in which they participate.
At all Junior Tour events, points will be awarded to the top 15 finishers and ties in each age division. For awards – ties are broken by scorecard playoff but points will be distributed equally among the players tied for that place. For example there is a three way tie for first – trophy is awarded by a scorecard playoff but points and the website will show all three kids tied for 1st and the points for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd divided equally among them. POY points are updated every Friday for the tournaments that week providing scores have been entered.
At all Players Tour events, points will be awarded to the top 15 finishers and ties in the overall boys and girls division. The following is the breakdown of the point distribution:
AJGA Performance Based Entry – Stars
Each Players Tour event has been given Performance Based Entry Provisional Status.
***Tournament Fields need at least 40 Boys or 12 Girls to receive PBE Status in each respective division.***
Additionally, if the field has at least 55 boys or 18 girls, the AJGA will recognize the Top 10% of each field that respectively meets these requirements, with 1 Performance Star.
The following is the breakdown of the point distribution for each level of play:
Junior Tour | |
1 | 1000 |
2 | 800 |
3 | 600 |
4 | 500 |
5 | 400 |
6 | 350 |
7 | 300 |
8 | 250 |
9 | 200 |
10 | 150 |
11 | 125 |
12 | 100 |
13 | 75 |
14 | 50 |
15 | 25 |
Players Tour | |
1 | 2000 |
2 | 1600 |
3 | 1200 |
4 | 1000 |
5 | 800 |
6 | 700 |
7 | 600 |
8 | 500 |
9 | 400 |
10 | 300 |
11 | 250 |
12 | 200 |
13 | 150 |
14 | 100 |
15 | 50 |
The Walter Hopper Championship is slated for the first of August. Registrants are not guaranteed spots in the tournament. The SCPGA junior golf committee will add registrations into the field based on accumulated Player of the Year Points until each age division has filled its available field size. If all registrants with Player of the Year points have been added into the field and tournament spots remain open, remaining spots will go to registrants with NO player of the year points on a first come, first serve basis within their specific age division. Specific age division field sizes will be proportional to age division percentages in overall SCPGA Junior Tour membership. Registrants will not be charged a tournament entry fee until they have been added to the Walter Hopper Championship field.
Walter Hopper Championship breakdown by age division. Each age division is guaranteed a minimum 8 spots.
**Example: Based on maximum field size of 150 participants.
TOTAL: | 150 |
Junior Tour Boys 9-11 | 10 |
Junior Tour Boys 12-13 | 10 |
Junior Tour Boys 14-15 | 30 |
Junior Tour Boys 16-18 | 50 |
Junior Tour Girls 9-11 | 5 |
Junior Tour Girls 12-13 | 10 |
Junior Tour Girls 14-15 | 15 |
Junior Tour Girls 16-18 | 20 |